Social advantages and disadvantages associated with cyber aggression-victimization

According to Schoffstall and Cohen (2011), cyber aggression is defined as behaviour committed with the intent to harm an individual, using a computer, cell phone or other electronic devices. In addition, the authors nuanced that the behaviour must be perceived as aversive by the victim. Cyber victimization is like cyber aggression but includes in its …

Blockchain-based Personal Health Records and Health Data Sharing: Are Patients Ready?

Presented by Victoria Lemieux et Chang Lu as a part of the 2020 Serene-risc Workshop on The State of Canadian Cybersecurity Conference: Human-Centric Cybersecurity. About the presentation Recently, researchers have suggested that Bblockchain technology may precipitate a paradigm shift in personal health records (PHR) by enabling patients to become co-contributor to the validation, maintenance and …

Review on the Security Threats of Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing technology, and health technologies are essential tools in 2021 to ensure the well-being and running of individuals and organizations’ activities in our society. However, considering the importance of connected objects and the irreplaceable place they occupy, it is vital to ensure that they are well protected against malware …

État des lieux des menaces de sécurité concernant l’internet des objets (IoT)

L’internet des objets (IoT) (« Internet of things » en anglais), la technologie par nuagerie informatique et les technologies de santé sont des outils primordiaux en 2021 pour assurer le bien-être et le roulement des activités des individus et des organisations primordiales dans notre société. Considérant l’importance des objets connectés, et la place irremplaçable qu’ils occupent, il …

Is Persistence the key to offline contact: Identification of the online sex solicitors’ strategies

Presented by Vicky Desjardins as a part of the 2020 Serene-risc Workshop on The State of Canadian Cybersecurity Conference: Human-Centric Cybersecurity. About the presentation Research suggests two types of online sexual solicitors of minors, either those driven by sexual fantasies or by offline contact. Many of the studies on online sex solicitors were conducted using …

Améliorer les relations entre la criminologie et la cybersécurité

Considérant que les termes cybersécurité et cybercrime sont souvent utilisés dans le cyberespace, ne devraient-ils pas être reliés? La cybercriminalité représente l’ensemble des crimes « cyber ». Lorsqu’on y fait mention, on fait généralement référence au domaine d’étude des crimes traditionnels qui sont commis sur l’Internet, des crimes qui y sont créés et qui y prennent forme …

Enhancing relationships between criminology and cybersecurity

Considering that cybersecurity and cybercrime are often used in the cyber world, should they be related? Cybercrime represents the study of all “cyber” crimes. When mentioned, it is generally referring to the field of study of traditional offences committed on the Internet, crimes that have been created and which take shape strictly on the Internet …

Passwords and Bicycle attaks

Cybersecurity bicycle attacks consist of data leaks caused by a security weakness related to password length through encrypted traffic. This terminology, coined by Vranken (2016), was created following the observation by this researcher that SSL (unpadded) traffic can allow the disclosure of information about the length of passwords. He named this phenomenon the “bicycle attack,” …

5 bonnes raisons de suivre le cours « La cybersécurité en milieu universitaire»

Vous avez entendu parler des risques de cybersécurité, mais vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur ce sujet ? Vous souhaitez connaître les bonnes pratiques à mettre en place dans votre environnement d’étude ou de travail ? Vous n’avez pas beaucoup de temps ? Alors ce cours en ligne est fait pour vous! L’Université de Montréal …