
From online to offline sexual offending: Episodes and obstacles

Script theory is well known to criminologists. This approach of studying crime allows one to break down criminal acts into a series of steps and is useful when analyzing the processes, decisions and actions of offenders. Generally, these scripts are used to study offenses such as crime against property (e.g. theft), suicide bombings or carjacking. …

CAFC Bulletin: fraude au président / courriels d’affaires compromis | BEC Scams

Arnaque de l’enquêteur bancaire Le Centre antifraude du Canada produit des bulletins régulièrement pour aider les Canadiens à mieux se protéger contre la fraude. Que sont les courriels d’affaires compromis? Le courriel d’affaires compromis, aussi appelé fraude au président, fraude par virement bancaire ou arnaque des dirigeants d’entreprise, il s’agit d’une ruse complexe qui trompe une entreprise …

Questioning the “Loneliness” of Lone-Wolves: A Social Network Analysis of Lone-Wolf Terrorists

Dr. David Hofmann Presented at the 2018 Atlantic Security Conference In this presentation, Dr. Hofmann will discuss his recently completed funded research (TSAS / Public Safety Canada) into the three different types of social networks formed by lone-wolves during the 24 months prior to the commission of their first act of terrorist violence. Dr. Hofmann …

Software Defined Networking and Network Security

Presented by Dr. Israat Haque at the 2018 Atlantic Security Conference Software Defined Network (SDN) is a new approach of designing networks. In SDN architecture network control function is decoupled from hardware like routers and switches. This decoupled control function is executed in a logically centralized controller with a global network view. Furthermore, SDN brings …

Financial Crime Trend Bulletin:Arnaque liée à la fausse prise d’otage | Hostage Scam

Arnaque liée à la fausse prise d’otage   Le Centre antifraude du Canada produit des bulletins régulièrement pour aider les Canadiens à mieux se protéger contre la fraude. Le Centre antifraude du Canada (CAFC) reçoit des plaintes d’entreprises canadiennes qui se font arnaquer. Ces dernières reçoivent des courriels suivis d’appels d’escrocs qui se présentent sous une fausse …

Know your Enemy: Malware Authorship Attribution

Presented by Natalia Stakhanova at the Atlantic Security Conference 2018 Since the first computer virus hit the DARPA network in the early 1970s, the security community interest revolved around ways to expose identities of malware writers. Knowledge of the adversary’s identity promised additional leverage to security experts in their ongoing battle against perpetrators. At the …