Chris Tenove from the University of British Columbia presented “Threatening Speech Online: Political Impacts and Policy Responses” at The DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: CONFRONTING CYBER-THREATS AT HOME AND ABROAD conference on Friday, October 26, 2018, at the Telfer School, University of Ottawa, Canada.
Month: March 2019
We all have questions about Cybersecurity, but there are some people who have answers. SERENE-RISC brings a series of interviews with researchers finding answers to find out more about their work, themselves and the future for cybersecurity and cybercrime research. This week, our interview features Dr. Russell Brewer, Senior Lecturer at Adelaide University. Russell Brewer has a …
Les conséquences de la fraude en ligne sur les victimes peuvent être aussi graves que celles des crimes violents. L’Australie offre aux victimes d’actes criminels l’accès à un soutien financier pour faciliter leur rétablissement. Cependant, la plupart des programmes d’aide aux victimes limitent l’admissibilité aux personnes ayant été victimes d’un crime violent, excluant ainsi de …
The impacts of online fraud can be as severe as those who experience violent crime. Australia provides victims of crime access to financial support to assist with recovery. However, most victim assistance programs limit eligibility to those who have experienced violent crime, thereby excluding many categories of victims, including those of online fraud. Victim assistance …
Canadian businesses continue to embrace digital technologies rapidly, exposing them to a greater range of cybersecurity risks and threats. The 2017 Canadian Survey of Cyber Security and Cybercrime (CSoCC) was designed to provide a portrait of the current threat environment by providing new and up-to-date information Canadian businesses’ responses to cybersecurity challenges. Canadian businesses and …
Les entreprises canadiennes continuent d’adopter rapidement les technologies numériques, les exposant ainsi à un plus grand nombre de risques et de menaces. L’Enquête canadienne sur la cybersécurité et le cybercrime de 2017 (ECCC) a été conçue pour brosser un tableau du climat actuel en fournissant des informations nouvelles et actualisées sur les réponses des entreprises …
La fraude en ligne englobe tous les types de fraude, tels que la fraude par marketing de masse, la fraude sur les redevances d’avance et le vol d’identité. Les cas de fraude en ligne sont à la hausse au Canada. En 2017, selon Statistique Canada, 13 426 cas de fraude en ligne ont été signalés …
Online fraud are any type of fraud such as mass marketing fraud, advance fee fraud and identification theft. Online fraud in Canada are on the rise. In 2017, 13,426 cases of online fraud were reported to authorities according to Statistics Canada — nearly double the number reported in 2014. Using psychological and criminological theories, Monica …
Jeremy Clark from Concordia University presented “Liquid Democracy” at The DEFENDING DEMOCRACY:CONFRONTING CYBER-THREATS AT HOME AND ABROAD conference on Friday, October 26, 2018 at the Telfer School, University of Ottawa, Canada.
Here are the latest scientific publications our co-investigators: Books C Boyd, A Mathuria, D. Stebila: Protocols for Authentication and Key Establishment, Second Edition, Information Security and Cryptography. Springer, 2019. In press. Blayne Haggart, Kathryn Henne, N. Tusikov: Information, Technology and Control in a Changing WorldUnderstanding Power Structures in the 21st Century Book chapters Barry Cartwright, George RS Weir, R. …