Alors que les sociétés dépendent de plus en plus des infrastructures cyber pour gérer des aspects cruciaux de la vie quotidienne, les menaces posées par les cyberattaques deviennent de plus en plus importantes. En réponse à cela, les financements gouvernementaux en matière d’initiatives en cybersécurité ont augmenté. Malgré cela, il existe toujours une pénurie de …
NSERC has been funding academic researchers in the area of cybersecurity for a long time. There have been a number of programs that have been used in the past to provide this financial support. At the present time investments are still strong especially in emerging areas like quantum cryptography where Canada has been shown to …
Cybersecurity Awareness Month is coming to an end in Canada. This is an opportunity to introduce another initiative to enhance outreach, research and education for cybersecurity. It is a well-known fact that there is a shortage of trained cybersecurity professional. Industries and governments are looking for ways to attract students into the field of cybersecurity …
Les secteurs privés et publics ont de plus en plus besoin de main-d’oeuvre formée sur les questions de cybersécurité. Aux États-Unis, la National Security Agency (NSA) et la National Science Foundation ont financé conjointement un programme pour stimuler l’intérêt des étudiants de la maternelle au secondaire au champ de la cybersécurité. De plus ce programme …
Les enfants utilisent de plus en plus d’appareils portables pour aller en ligne. Il est donc important de les éduquer sur les manières de se protéger. Ces appareils ainsi que les applications qui y sont installés disposent parfois de GPS et autres outils de géolocalisations pouvant mettre les enfants à risque d’être victimes de vol …
A question answered with a question is often infuriating. On some rare occasions though it can be inspiring. When Tom Levasseur asked a local college why they don’t take advantage of gamification by integrating some of the challenge and fun of hacking competitions into their program they responded with “Why don’t you …?” The government …
Digital Forensics is a challenging field due to the mixture of computer science and law knowledge required. Combining these in a teachable format is challenging. The use of a traditional lectures for the conceptual preparation required for for hands-on digital forensics labs and exercises can be less than desired. William Johnson, Irfan Ahmed, Vassil Roussev …
Presented at the SERENE-RISC Workshop, 2017 October Academics, scientists, private sector and public sector actors have long relied on sociodemographic data, marketing data and other typological clusters to set context, variables and other tools in their respective research efforts. Whether its cutting edge emergency medicine research or dated law enforcement research from the 1970s, sociodemographic …
Presented at GoSec 2017 Michael Joyce works on the many different aspects of the SERENE-RISC knowledge mobilization operations. He is the person behind the Network online knowledge-sharing platform and one of the driving forces behind the Cybersec 101 training. At SERENE-RISC, Michael is also responsible for the production of the quarterly knowledge digest. Before joining …