Bien souvent, dans la littérature scientifique ainsi que dans les articles de journaux, les cybercrimes y sont décrit comme étant des actes commis anonymement. Ces crimes apparaissent comme étant de nouveaux défis que la criminologie et les agences policières n’ont jamais vus, en raison de l’anonymat et l’ubiquité des délinquants. Cette perception de la cybercriminalité …
In scientific literature and newspaper articles, cybercrime is described as crimes committed anonymously. These crimes appear as new challenges that criminology and law enforcement agencies have never seen because of the anonymity and the ubiquity of delinquents. This perception of cybercrime obscures the fact that individuals physically commit cybercrime. That is why researchers Lusthaus and …
Bien que les nouvelles technologies renferment un potentiel illimité, leurs effets négatifs sont souvent minimisés, voir ignoré. Ces dernières années, l’émergence et le développement croissant de l’intelligence artificielle et de ses applications est de plus en plus visible dans notre vie quotidienne. D’un point de vue criminologique, l’intelligence artificielle (IA) peut être utilisée dans toutes …
Although new technologies hold unlimited potential, their damaging effects are often minimized or even ignored. In recent years, the emergence and growing development of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications are increasingly visible in our daily lives. From a criminological point of view, artificial intelligence can be used in all tasks that require classification and …
Presented by Vicky Desjardins as a part of the 2020 Serene-risc Workshop on The State of Canadian Cybersecurity Conference: Human-Centric Cybersecurity. About the presentation Research suggests two types of online sexual solicitors of minors, either those driven by sexual fantasies or by offline contact. Many of the studies on online sex solicitors were conducted using …
Considérant que les termes cybersécurité et cybercrime sont souvent utilisés dans le cyberespace, ne devraient-ils pas être reliés? La cybercriminalité représente l’ensemble des crimes « cyber ». Lorsqu’on y fait mention, on fait généralement référence au domaine d’étude des crimes traditionnels qui sont commis sur l’Internet, des crimes qui y sont créés et qui y prennent forme …
Considering that cybersecurity and cybercrime are often used in the cyber world, should they be related? Cybercrime represents the study of all “cyber” crimes. When mentioned, it is generally referring to the field of study of traditional offences committed on the Internet, crimes that have been created and which take shape strictly on the Internet …
Presented by Howard Bilodeau as a part of the 2020 Serene-risc Workshop on The State of Canadian Cybersecurity Conference: Human-Centric Cybersecurity. About the presentation This presentation will examine recently-released statistics from the 2019 Canadian Survey of Cyber Security and Cybercrime (CSCSC). This survey, now in its second iteration, was designed to serve the following objectives: …
The global pandemic in which we have been immersed for months has changed many things. Indeed, no one has been immune to periods of isolation, the risks of contagion from the virus, and unfortunately, the criminal opportunities that arose. Indeed, several waves of attempted fraud have made headlines in recent months. Fraudsters seem likely to …
La pandémie mondiale dans laquelle nous baignons depuis des mois a bouleversé bien des choses. En effet, personne n’a été à l’abri des périodes d’isolements, des risques de contagion du virus, et malheureusement des opportunités criminelles qui en sont ressorties. En effet, plusieurs vagues de tentatives de fraudes ont fait les manchettes dans les derniers …