L’authentification par mot de passe est une méthode d’authentification largement utilisée. Le plus souvent, les utilisateurs choisissent des mots de passe faciles à retenir, mais également faibles. De nombreux fournisseurs de services demandent aux utilisateurs de créer des mots de passe forts avec des exigences telles que le mot de passe doit avoir un nombre …
Password authentication is a widely used method of authentication. Most often, users choose passwords that are easy to remember, but that are also weak. Many service providers instruct users to create strong passwords with requirements such as password must have a minimum number of characters, must include uppercase letters or digits, or it must include …
De nos jours, la cybersécurité est aussi essentielle qu’omniprésente. Les utilisateurs finaux doivent être prêts et disposés à participer à la protection de leurs informations. Afin de s’assurer que les utilisateurs se conforment à la protection de leurs données, il est essentiel que les dispositifs mis en place soit faciles d’utilisation et de garder, par …
Nowadays, cybersecurity is as essential as it is ubiquitous. End-users have to be willing and able participants in the protection of their information. In order to ensure user compliance with data protection, the mechanisms put in place must be easy to use and, thus, it is essential to keep the user in mind when conceiving …
La communauté de la sécurité des technologies de l’information s’est rendu compte que les traditionnels contrôles des identités et des accès, qui sont statiques et rigides, ne peuvent plus protéger efficacement les informations importantes une fois que les informations d’identification du compte utilisateur sont compromises. Les systèmes d’authentification assistée par biométrie facilitent la reconnaissance de …
The workplace is a radically different environment since Information Systems (IS) became one of the strongest enablers for its processes. But IS can be misused. Security issues in IS are becoming more prevalent than ever before. In addition to the significant damage of these acts, the stakeholders deemed accountable for these events have faced severe …
A Privacy Enhanced Facial Recognition Access Control System Using Biometric Encryption Biometric authentication is seen as a mixed offering, the ease and comfort of a system that knows who you are without you having to work to prove it (as with a password) is balanced against the need to store personal information and the potential …
Privacy, security and policies: A review of problems and solutions with semantic web technologies Sabrina Kirrane from The Vienna University of Economics, Serena Villata from Université Côte d’Azur, and Mathieu d’Acquin from the National University of Ireland Galway provide a look at how Semantic Web technologies research is progressing with relation to privacy and security concerns. They …
When Pennsylviania State University decided to change their two factor authentication system Jake Weidman and Jens Grossklags took advantage of the situation to look at the transition from an organisational perspective. Their paper “I Like It, but I Hate It: Employee Perceptions Towards an Institutional Transition to BYOD Second-Factor Authentication” provides some interesting insights. They …
People often make predictable passwords. They use common methods to create passwords such as common words, substituting characters or using patterns on the keyboard. Blase Ur from the University of Chicago and a team from Carnegie Mellon University developed and evaluated a password security meter that provides a more accurate rating of password strength and …