Month: December 2017

Science, Security, and the Elusive Goal of Security as a Scientific Pursuit

Cormac Herley presents work done with Paul van Oorshot on some historic ideas that might help us work towards a common science for information security.  This is something that we all need in order to progress the field. “Claims that uniques aspects of security exempt it from a scientific approach are unhelpful.”  There has been …

Every Honest Mistake Makes the infoSec Community Stronger

A recent podcast from risky business ( had a very interesting interview with Stephen Morse, formerly the staff vice president of cybersecurity analytics at Anthem.  You might remember that Anthem were the target of a state-sponsored attack back in 2015.  The interview is well worth listening, particularly for those charged with security in a large …

Cyberbullying among adults with intellectual disabilities: Some preliminary data

  How are those with intellectual disabilities affected by cyberbullying? The research team of Cristina Jenaro, Noelia Flores, Vanessa Vegab Maribel Cruz, Ma. Carmen Pérez, and Víctor A. Torres from the Universidad de Salamanca in Spain, the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso in Chile, and the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí in Mexico provide …

CAFC Bulletin sur les tendances de la criminalité financière : Fraude sans carte

Le Centre antifraude du Canada produit des bulletins régulièrement pour aider les Canadiens à mieux se protéger contre la fraude. Le présent bulletin donne les grandes lignes de la fraude sans carte, qui continue de cibler des entreprises canadiennes. Il décrit aussi les diverses tendances associées à ce type de fraude ainsi que les indices …

CAFC Financial Crime Trend Bulletin: Card-Not-Present (CNP)

The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre produces regular bulletins to help Canadians to better protect themselves against fraud.   This bulletin was prepared to provide awareness on Card-Not-Present (CNP) Fraud, which continues to target Canadian businesses. It depicts the trends and patterns associated to the fraud, as well as warning signs to prevent victimization. Overview CNP Fraud …

Can’t Touch This: Software-only Mitigation against Rowhammer Attacks targeting Kernel Memory

A rowhammer attack exploits a vulnerability created by the physical characteristics of modern computer memory. Dynamic Random-Access Memory (DRAM) is a high-speed memory circuit that stores information by creating an electrical charge in tiny capacitor; which is something like a battery.  A charged capacitor represents a value (i.e.”1”) as opposed to an uncharged capacitor (“0”).  …

Cybersecurity Career Development Presentations

The IISP (Institute of Information Security Professionals) and our friends the Cyberacademy at Napier College, Edinburgh, Scotland recently (2017/11/23) held an event for those looking to start or continue a career in cybersecurity.   The event had a number of great presenters and fortunately for us was streamed to youtube. The full video is over 5 …

Do I know you? Evaluating Human-Human Authentication via Conversational Interfaces

Nour Dabbour from Carleton University presented a 2 minute rapid-fire of her poster at the SERENE-RISC workshop October, 2017. Rapid fire presentations are limited to 2 minutes and 1 slide. Nour was voted as the winner of the student poster presentations at this event by the SERENE-RISC membership in attendance.   Do I know you? …