Nowadays, people are more exposed to all sorts of abuse on Social Media Platforms (SMPs). The malicious intent of humans deceiving other humans is aggravated by the number of different types of SMPs and the vulnerabilities present in SMPs such as poor design and construction, large volumes of unstructured content, and the opportunities provided to …
Les utilisateurs finaux représentent souvent le maillon le plus faible quand vient le temps d’assurer la sécurité du système d’information dans les organisations. De nombreuses études ont montré que le comportement des employés reste un défi important pour la réussite de la mise en œuvre des stratégies de sécurité des systèmes d’information dans les organisations. …
End users are often the weakest link in ensuring information system security (ISS) in organizations. Numerous studies showed that employees’ behaviour remains a significant challenge for successfully implementing ISS policies in organizations. In a Ponemon Institute survey of IT security practitioners, nearly 56% of the participants attributed employees’ resistance to comply with ISS policies as …
Les gouvernements de nombreux pays comprennent l’importance de sensibiliser la population à la cybersécurité et soutiennent activement les programmes de formation à grande échelle. Par conséquent, l’éducation et la formation pratiques en matière de cybersécurité deviennent de plus en plus utiles pour sensibiliser le public aux incidents de cybersécurité. La plupart des programmes actuels d’éducation …
Governments of many countries understand the importance of raising awareness among the population regarding cybersecurity and actively support wide-scale training programs activities. Hence, hands-on cybersecurity education and training are becoming more and more relevant to raise awareness about cybersecurity incidents. Most current cybersecurity education and training programs employ hands-on activities aimed at improving the functional …
A year ago, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been introduced by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (EU). The GDPR intends to strengthen and harmonize the data protection legislation for all individuals within the EU while addressing the privacy harms emerging from the rapid change of data landscape in …
Il y a un an, le Parlement européen et le Conseil de l’Union européenne (UE) ont présenté le Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD). Le RGPD entend renforcer et harmoniser la législation en matière de protection des données pour tous les citoyens de l’UE, tout en s’attaquant aux problèmes de protection de la …
Les entreprises sont de plus en plus menacées par les cybercriminels qui tentent d’infiltrer leurs systèmes informatiques en exploitant les comportements des employés vis-à-vis des courriels frauduleux ciblés. Cette pratique est communément appelée harponnage. Les organisations tentent de sensibiliser leur personnel aux courriels de harponnage en effectuant des tests de simulation d’hameçonnage. Cela implique que …
Organizations are increasingly under threat from cybercriminals attempting to infiltrate their computer systems by exploiting the behaviour of employees via targeted, fraudulent emails. This practice is commonly known as spear phishing. Organizations attempt to raise awareness of spear phishing emails amongst their staff through the use of simulated phishing tests. This involves the organization sending …
Popular Online Social Networks (OSNs), such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, connect millions of people across the globe, allowing users to share information about themselves. OSN users are rarely aware of the amounts and types of data and metadata collected about them, or about the value of this data and the extent to which highly …