Radical groups and radicalized individuals are often confused as being all violent and at risk of committing acts of terrorism. Radicals are defined as individuals who support or justify terrorism, and sometimes they express a desire to engage in radical acts of violence. However, very few studies have focused on what differentiates violent radicals, who …
Les réseaux sociaux sont des moyens de communication très pertinents pour les humains. En effet, ils leur permettent d’échanger entre eux, de garder contact avec des connaissances éloignées, de se connecter avec des groupes d’intérêts similaires, de suivre l’actualité et plus encore. Cependant, il ne faut pas nier que les réseaux sociaux contiennent aussi des …
Social networks are helpful tools to communicate with each other. Indeed, they allow humans to interact with each other, keep in touch with distant relationships, connect with groups of similar interests, stay up to date with news, and much more. However, it should not be denied that these social networks also contain perverse effects, for …
Tous comme les cybercrimes, les cyberattaques à grande échelle sont en forte croissance et attirent autant l’attention des médias que des agences gouvernementales notamment parce que ces attaques sont souvent reliées à des menaces de cyberterrorisme. Une idée fausse est de tenir pour acquis que le cyberterrorisme est exactement le même phénomène que le terrorisme, …
Like cybercrime, large-scale cyber-attacks are overgrowing and attracting attention from both media and government agencies mainly because these attacks are often linked to threats of cyberterrorism. A misconception is to take for granted that cyberterrorism is precisely the same phenomenon as terrorism and then uses the exact definition for both phenomena. Moreover, even the definition …
The global pandemic in which we have been immersed for months has changed many things. Indeed, no one has been immune to periods of isolation, the risks of contagion from the virus, and unfortunately, the criminal opportunities that arose. Indeed, several waves of attempted fraud have made headlines in recent months. Fraudsters seem likely to …
La pandémie mondiale dans laquelle nous baignons depuis des mois a bouleversé bien des choses. En effet, personne n’a été à l’abri des périodes d’isolements, des risques de contagion du virus, et malheureusement des opportunités criminelles qui en sont ressorties. En effet, plusieurs vagues de tentatives de fraudes ont fait les manchettes dans les derniers …
Social networks on mobile applications are used more and more by everyone. Businesses and individuals use platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube, and many others as sources of entertainment and income. However, the increase in use and public engagement on those platforms has also caused a significant increase in user privacy risks. Computers and …
Les réseaux sociaux sur application mobile sont de plus en plus utilisés par tous. Autant pour les entreprises que pour les individus, ces plateformes, comme Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube et plusieurs autres sont sources de divertissements et même de revenus. Cependant, l’augmentation de l’utilisation et de l’engagement de la population sur ces plateformes ont …
The number of phishing attacks continues to increase. Although citizens are more and more aware of it, this type of scam is still very profitable for criminals. A phishing-type attack aims to trick victims into clicking on a link leading them to a malicious website or one imitating a legitimate one. Once on this cloned …