Numerous and various interconnected Internet of Things (IoT) devices continue to increase on the market. Smart home devices are marketed as providing multiple benefits to make consumers’ life more manageable and, as such, are a significant part of the loT consumer market. Media and researchers have raised questions about the security of smart home technology, …
L’hameçonnage comprend toutes tentatives de sollicitation d’informations personnelles ou sensibles via des méthodes d’ingénierie sociale. L’hameçonnage est généralement réalisé par l’envoi de courriels. Le cybercriminel agit comme une source fiable ou de confiance pour inciter les destinataires à cliquer sur un lien ou à ouvrir une pièce jointe contenue dans un courriel. L’influence sociale fait …
Phishing is a deceptive form that involves attempts to solicit personal or sensitive information through social engineering methods. Phishing is commonly conducted via email. An attacker acts as a reputable or trusted source to influence recipients to click on a link or to open an attachment within an email. Social influence refers to change in …
Online Social Networks (OSNs) allow users to build connections, establish relationships, and exchange information over the Internet. At the same time, OSNs hold an abundant amount of data that are insufficiently protected by default privacy preferences. Moreover, privacy preferences are by default hard to use and do not correctly reflect the intentions of users, which …
Les organisations sont continuellement exposées à diverses menaces en ligne qui mettent leurs informations et leurs systèmes en danger. Les risques sont d’autant plus importants qu’elles font face à des menaces plus avancées et persistantes, ainsi qu’à des menaces internes. Il s’agit là d’employés qui introduisent des menaces pour au sein de l’organisation et qui …
Organizations are continually exposed to a variety of online threats that put their information and systems in danger. The risks are even more significant as they face more advanced and persistent threats, as well as insider threat. The insider threat is employees introducing risks to the organization due to non-compliance with the information system security …
As society becomes more reliant on cyber infrastructures to manage crucial aspects of daily living, threats posed by cyber-attacks become increasingly critical. In response to this, governments funding for cybersecurity initiatives has increased. Despite it, there is still a shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals as current estimates indicate a global shortfall of skilled cybersecurity professionals …
Alors que les sociétés dépendent de plus en plus des infrastructures cyber pour gérer des aspects cruciaux de la vie quotidienne, les menaces posées par les cyberattaques deviennent de plus en plus importantes. En réponse à cela, les financements gouvernementaux en matière d’initiatives en cybersécurité ont augmenté. Malgré cela, il existe toujours une pénurie de …
Les conséquences de la fraude en ligne sur les victimes peuvent être aussi graves que celles des crimes violents. L’Australie offre aux victimes d’actes criminels l’accès à un soutien financier pour faciliter leur rétablissement. Cependant, la plupart des programmes d’aide aux victimes limitent l’admissibilité aux personnes ayant été victimes d’un crime violent, excluant ainsi de …
The impacts of online fraud can be as severe as those who experience violent crime. Australia provides victims of crime access to financial support to assist with recovery. However, most victim assistance programs limit eligibility to those who have experienced violent crime, thereby excluding many categories of victims, including those of online fraud. Victim assistance …