The SERENE-RISC administrative offices have moved. We are now on level 5 of 3744 Rue Jean-Brillant, Montreal. We have unpacked almost everything and are getting settled in after the stress of moving two blocks to the west. It is even easier for our partners and members to come and visit as we are now much …
Romance fraud is a particularly harmful issue that affects thousands of people every year. The damage that romance fraud can cause makes particularly startling the relatively little research that has been done on this subject. Cassandra Cross, Molly Dragiewicz and Kelly Richards provide insights by comparing romance fraud and domestic violence in the hope that …
Stratagèmes de rencontre Le Centre antifraude du Canada produit des bulletins régulièrement pour aider les Canadiens à mieux se protéger contre la fraude. Les fraudeurs volent des photos et se servent des sites de rencontre et des médias sociaux pour amener des victimes potentielles à leur envoyer de l’argent pour différentes raisons. Le fraudeur gagne la confiance …
Rapid advancements in financial technology – or “fintech” – are quickly changing the way we use and think about money. This includes both the use of technologies outside of the traditional regulated financial system, such as cryptocurrencies, and the financial innovations developed by banks, such as mobile wallets. This talk will provide a high level …
Like a lot of good stories, this one starts with a chance encounter, a quiet conversation and a cold beer*. Sebastian Feldmann, the author of “Chaos: A Stolen Backdoor Rising Again” who is currently completing his master’s thesis at the Technical University of Darmstadt took the time to speak with me about his …
Escroquerie de services Le Centre antifraude du Canada produit des bulletins régulièrement pour aider les Canadiens à mieux se protéger contre la fraude. Il existe différentes escroqueries de services qui ciblent les aînés, mais la plus courante est celle qui consiste à convaincre les consommateurs à faire nettoyer ou réparer leur ordinateur. Le fraudeur, un soi‐disant représentant …
Strangers on a Train (1951) Perhaps its a result of the advances made in security technologies, or just our understanding of the risks, but the ‘insider threat’ has become a part of the security landscape on par with massive DDoS and State driven Advanced Persistent Attacks. The insider threat is the risk of an employee …
Presented by Aaron Gilkes at the SERENE-RISC workshop 2017, April. Is Bitcoin (BTC) a gateway virtual currency? Will using BTC lead to more sinister or otherwise naughty behaviour online? There seems to be four prevailing groups of BTC users : Technology enthusiasts, Libertarians, Speculators and Criminals. I will be focusing on Law Enforcement’s experiences with BTC …
It’s interesting what can happen when a shared dream and uncompromising attitude is combined with selfless commitment. In this kind of situation, even failure is an opportunity. Northsec was built from the ashes of a local Capture The Flag (CTF) competition. A group of participants and organisers from the event came together with the goal …
Stratagème du besoin urgent d’argent Le Centre antifraude du Canada produit des bulletins régulièrement pour aider les Canadiens à mieux se protéger contre la fraude. Les fraudeurs se servent des médias sociaux, d’Internet et du téléphone pour cibler des aînés et leur demander de l’argent. La victime reçoit un appel d’une personne qui prétend être un membre …