Through this collection of articles, we aim to share our different perspectives and insights, the latest developments and achievements in the field of cyber security, cybercrime investigations and cyber resilience. The work is multi-diciplinary in that it combines perspectives from Jaya Baloo the CISO of KPN, Henk Geveke Managing director defence safey and security at TNO, Wilbert Paulissen Head of Central Criminal Investigations Division of the National Police and Hans de Vries Head of National Cyber Security Centre.
Table of Contents
Trends to watch in 2015
Pest control Heartbleed: Lessons learned from a broken heart
Yo, Trust me
Did you oss today?
CyberDawn, training for a cybersecurity crisis
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service GRX & A spy agency
Spotting the prowler
Shedding light on the Dark Web Ahead of the Threat Honeypots at KPN
Help, the app ate my password!