We all have questions, but who are the people with the answers for Cybersecurity. In this series we sat down with academics and experts to ask them about how they got started, what they are researching now, their lessons for us and the future. In this new series, Michelle Mazurek, Assistant Professor in the Computer …
Month: May 2020
The rapid and vast adoption of social media changed the way individuals interact. For a lot of people, social media platforms are often used to maintain a sense of connection. As of now, Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with 2.4 billion users1. Previous research has shown that people who experience …
L’adoption rapide et étendue des médias sociaux a changé la façon dont les individus interagissent. Pour beaucoup de gens, les plateformes de médias sociaux sont souvent utilisées pour maintenir un sentiment de connexion. À ce jour, Facebook est la plus grande plateforme de médias sociaux au monde, avec 2,4 milliards d’utilisateurs1. Des études antérieures ont montré …
We all have questions, but who are the people with the answers for Cybersecurity. In this series we sat down with academics and experts to ask them about how they got started, what they are researching now, their lessons for us and the future. This week Prof Florian Martin-Bariteau of the University of Ottawa tells …
L’authentification par mot de passe est une méthode d’authentification largement utilisée. Le plus souvent, les utilisateurs choisissent des mots de passe faciles à retenir, mais également faibles. De nombreux fournisseurs de services demandent aux utilisateurs de créer des mots de passe forts avec des exigences telles que le mot de passe doit avoir un nombre …
Password authentication is a widely used method of authentication. Most often, users choose passwords that are easy to remember, but that are also weak. Many service providers instruct users to create strong passwords with requirements such as password must have a minimum number of characters, must include uppercase letters or digits, or it must include …
We all have questions, but who are the people with the answers for Cybersecurity. In this series we sat down with academics and experts to ask them about how they got started, what they are researching now, their lessons for us and the future. This week Prof Florian Martin-Bariteau of the University of Ottawa tells …
Due to the public grown awareness and concerns over privacy, social networking services have enhanced their privacy setting options. However, these enhancements and changes are not always easy to follow or implement, and many people do not use them to their full potential. For users of social networking platforms, too much privacy will limit self-presentation. …
En raison de la sensibilisation grandissante du public et des préoccupations concernant la protection de la vie privée, les plateformes de réseaux sociaux ont amélioré leurs options de paramétrage de confidentialité. Cependant, ces améliorations et changements ne sont pas toujours faciles à suivre ou à mettre en œuvre, et de nombreuses personnes ne les utilisent …
We all have questions, but who are the people with the answers for Cybersecurity. In this series we sat down with academics and experts to ask them about how they got started, what they are researching now, their lessons for us and the future. This week Prof Florian Martin-Bariteau of the University of Ottawa tells us …