In recent years, crypto-ransomware attacks have been on the rise. This form of malware scrambles valuable data with virtually unbreakable encryption and does not release it until a ransom is paid. This is a significant shift from early variants of ransomware and it has increased the impact of ransomware and the overall seriousness of the …
Le déni de service (Denial of service [DoS]) est une attaque au cours de laquelle l’auteur de l’infraction génère une grande quantité de trafic vers les utilisateurs finaux ou le service Web, et empêche certaines ou toutes les demandes légitimes d’être satisfaites. Les services de booter ou stresser fournissent des attaques par déni de service …
DoS (Denial of service) is an attack in which the perpetrator generates a large amount of traffic to overwhelm end-users or web service and prevent some or all legitimate requests from being fulfilled. Booter’ or ‘stresser’ services provide DoS attacks as-a-service. Booter operators can advertise their service and individuals can set up accounts and order …
We have seen an increase in supply chain attacks in the past few years. Some of these attacks have something in common: they involve a compromised Linux server to distribute malware or act as C&C server. This presentation will use real world case studies: the Transmission BitTorrent client distributing OSX/Keydnap; the M.E. Doc compromise responsible …
Internet a rendu possible les transactions en ligne et d’autres types d’interactions. Malheureusement, son importance favorise également une vague croissante de cybercriminalité qui affecte les citoyens, les entreprises et les gouvernements. Les humains sont généralement considérés comme le maillon faible. En effet, si les individus n’utilisent pas correctement les mesures de sécurité ou négligent les …
The Internet made possible online transactions and other interactions. Unfortunately, its importance also fosters a growing wave of cybercrime that impacts citizens, businesses and governments. Humans are often considered the weakest link. Indeed, if individuals do not use security measures properly or are negligent in using basic security strategies then cybersecurity measures become useless. Rather …
Les organisations sont continuellement exposées à diverses menaces en ligne qui mettent leurs informations et leurs systèmes en danger. Les risques sont d’autant plus importants qu’elles font face à des menaces plus avancées et persistantes, ainsi qu’à des menaces internes. Il s’agit là d’employés qui introduisent des menaces pour au sein de l’organisation et qui …
Organizations are continually exposed to a variety of online threats that put their information and systems in danger. The risks are even more significant as they face more advanced and persistent threats, as well as insider threat. The insider threat is employees introducing risks to the organization due to non-compliance with the information system security …
Les cyberattaques continuent d’évoluer, devenant une menace croissante pour les systèmes informatiques du monde entier. En 2018, près de 21 % des entreprises canadiennes ont été touchées par un incident de cybersécurité. Parmi celles-ci, 8 % ont déclaré avoir été victimes de rançongiciel (Statistique Canada, 2018). Les rançongiciels constituent l’une des menaces les plus dangereuses …
Cyber-attacks continue to evolve as they become an increasing concern for computer systems across the world. In 2018, almost 21% of Canadian businesses have been impacted by a cybersecurity incident. Among them, 8% have declared being victims of ransomware[1]. Ransomware is one of the most dangerous cyber-crime threats to individual users and enterprises. According to …