Much case has been made of the use of sophisticated anonymity tools by financial fraudsters that hack financial institutions and steal personal and financial information. Our past research has shown that these technologies were used to protect the fraudsters’ privacy and to facilitate their attacks against financial institutions. Our latest interactions and analysis of the …
Objet Le présent bulletin a pour but d’informer les consommateurs sur les précautions à prendre en ce qui concerne les locations immobilières. Locations à long terme Les fraudeurs créent des petites annonces pour des logements à louer dans des endroits idéaux. Pour attirer plus de clients, les loyers indiqués dans les annonces sont inférieurs aux …
Purpose This bulletin was prepared to provide information and preventative measures when it comes to rental scams. Long-Term Rentals Fraudsters create classified ads for property rentals that are available in ideal locations. The ads are posted with below-average prices to attract more consumers. Potential tenants receive a rental application that asks for personal information. Consumers …
Objet: Le présent bulletin vise à mettre en garde le public contre une fraude téléphonique en vogue qui consiste à faire croire aux victimes que leur numéro d’assurance sociale (NAS) est bloqué, compromis ou suspendu. Aperçu: Des particuliers signalent avoir reçu des appels d’escrocs qui prétendent que leur NAS est bloqué, compromis ou suspendu, en …
Purpose This bulletin was prepared to advise the public of a growing telephone scam where fraudsters say that your Social Insurance Number (SIN) has been blocked, compromised or suspended. Overview Consumers are reporting calls where fraudsters claim that your SIN has been blocked, compromised or suspended. Fraudsters may add that this is due to your …
Les conséquences de la fraude en ligne sur les victimes peuvent être aussi graves que celles des crimes violents. L’Australie offre aux victimes d’actes criminels l’accès à un soutien financier pour faciliter leur rétablissement. Cependant, la plupart des programmes d’aide aux victimes limitent l’admissibilité aux personnes ayant été victimes d’un crime violent, excluant ainsi de …
The impacts of online fraud can be as severe as those who experience violent crime. Australia provides victims of crime access to financial support to assist with recovery. However, most victim assistance programs limit eligibility to those who have experienced violent crime, thereby excluding many categories of victims, including those of online fraud. Victim assistance …
La fraude en ligne englobe tous les types de fraude, tels que la fraude par marketing de masse, la fraude sur les redevances d’avance et le vol d’identité. Les cas de fraude en ligne sont à la hausse au Canada. En 2017, selon Statistique Canada, 13 426 cas de fraude en ligne ont été signalés …
Online fraud are any type of fraud such as mass marketing fraud, advance fee fraud and identification theft. Online fraud in Canada are on the rise. In 2017, 13,426 cases of online fraud were reported to authorities according to Statistics Canada — nearly double the number reported in 2014. Using psychological and criminological theories, Monica …
This bulletin was prepared to provide information on tax scams, which continue to target Canadians each year. Tax Scams The Canadian Anti‐Fraud Centre (CAFC) continues to receive reports of emails, text messages and telephone calls related to tax scams. Tax scams can involve the following: Fraudsters are calling consumers impersonating the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) …