Tag Archives: cybercrime

Platforms and the Cybercrime Economy: Towards a socio-economic analysis

Presented by Mike McHuire as a part of the 2020 Serene-risc Workshop on The State of Canadian Cybersecurity Conference: Human-Centric Cybersecurity About the presentation One of the primary motivations for engaging in cybercrime lies in the pursuit of revenues. Yet though this has been a well understood pathway into offending within traditional crime contexts it …

“What works?”: linking evidence-based policing and cybercrime.

The omnipresence of technology and its globalization has changed not only the way we act and interact with each other but also the way we commit crimes. Indeed, the global accessibility of the internet, offers numerous opportunities for committing a criminal offense. This article focuses on cybercrime such as child pornography, fraud or computer hacking. …

« What works ? » : maintien de l’ordre fondé sur les données probantes et cybercriminalité.

L’omniprésence des technologies dans nos vies qutodiennes a non seulement modifié nos manières d’agir et d’interagir entre nous, mais aussi la manière de commettre des délits. En effet, l’accessibilité mondiale d’Internet, offre de nombreuses opportunités de commission d’infraction criminelle, qui se veulent de plus en plus fréquentes et sévères. Cet article porte sur des infractions …