Chris Tenove from the University of British Columbia presented “Threatening Speech Online: Political Impacts and Policy Responses” at The DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: CONFRONTING CYBER-THREATS AT HOME AND ABROAD conference on Friday, October 26, 2018, at the Telfer School, University of Ottawa, Canada.
Canadian businesses continue to embrace digital technologies rapidly, exposing them to a greater range of cybersecurity risks and threats. The 2017 Canadian Survey of Cyber Security and Cybercrime (CSoCC) was designed to provide a portrait of the current threat environment by providing new and up-to-date information Canadian businesses’ responses to cybersecurity challenges. Canadian businesses and …
Les entreprises canadiennes continuent d’adopter rapidement les technologies numériques, les exposant ainsi à un plus grand nombre de risques et de menaces. L’Enquête canadienne sur la cybersécurité et le cybercrime de 2017 (ECCC) a été conçue pour brosser un tableau du climat actuel en fournissant des informations nouvelles et actualisées sur les réponses des entreprises …
With fast moving innovations in technology, cyber security threats and incidents continue to grow in number and sophistication. The need to measure, analyze, and better understand these incidents is imperative for businesses, policymakers, and other stakeholders to effectively manage the risks of cyber threats, vulnerabilities and incidents. This is recognized not only in Canada but …
Les enfants utilisent de plus en plus d’appareils portables pour aller en ligne. Il est donc important de les éduquer sur les manières de se protéger. Ces appareils ainsi que les applications qui y sont installés disposent parfois de GPS et autres outils de géolocalisations pouvant mettre les enfants à risque d’être victimes de vol …
What do would you do if you misplaced your credit card? You are pretty sure it is in your other jacket, locked in the office for the weekend but you aren’t absolutely certain. Would you call the bank and cancel it immediately? The option of cancelling a security token when it is potentially jeopardized …
The sharing of intimate images by digital means is something that has created new issues for Canadians. This is reflected in the creation of laws for non-consensual intimate image sharing or ‘revenge porn’ laws. The issues get murkier when it comes to intimate images and youth as child pornography laws often also apply to the …