Les menaces liées au cybercrime ont créés une augmentation importante de dépenses en surveillance et logiciels de la part des compagnies et gouvernements pour se protéger contre toutes ces menaces. Cependant, ils occultent souvent un des risques premiers à la cybersécurité : les utilisateurs. Les utilisateurs ordinaires, et non les technologies, sont souvent décrits comme la …
Cybersecurity Awareness Month is coming to an end in Canada. This is an opportunity to introduce another initiative to enhance outreach, research and education for cybersecurity. It is a well-known fact that there is a shortage of trained cybersecurity professional. Industries and governments are looking for ways to attract students into the field of cybersecurity …
Les secteurs privés et publics ont de plus en plus besoin de main-d’oeuvre formée sur les questions de cybersécurité. Aux États-Unis, la National Security Agency (NSA) et la National Science Foundation ont financé conjointement un programme pour stimuler l’intérêt des étudiants de la maternelle au secondaire au champ de la cybersécurité. De plus ce programme …
Les enfants utilisent de plus en plus d’appareils portables pour aller en ligne. Il est donc important de les éduquer sur les manières de se protéger. Ces appareils ainsi que les applications qui y sont installés disposent parfois de GPS et autres outils de géolocalisations pouvant mettre les enfants à risque d’être victimes de vol …
The impact of online piracy on companies’ revenues and consumer behavior has been a well-known problem for industry, policy-makers and academics. When it comes to piracy, consumers arguably benefit due to cheaper access to a wider range of content. However, piracy may also inflict significant direct costs, as many piracy sites may be unsafe due …
Very young children are increasingly able to access mobile devices and the Internet. It is very far from uncommon that children under 4 would be accessing the internet this way everyday. While there have been efforts to educate older children about the dangers of the internet and their privacy there has not been as much …
Presented at the SERENE-RISC Workshop, 2017 October Academics, scientists, private sector and public sector actors have long relied on sociodemographic data, marketing data and other typological clusters to set context, variables and other tools in their respective research efforts. Whether its cutting edge emergency medicine research or dated law enforcement research from the 1970s, sociodemographic …
Presented at GoSec 2017 Michael Joyce works on the many different aspects of the SERENE-RISC knowledge mobilization operations. He is the person behind the Network online knowledge-sharing platform and one of the driving forces behind the Cybersec 101 training. At SERENE-RISC, Michael is also responsible for the production of the quarterly knowledge digest. Before joining …