If we are going to realize the benefits of a globally consolidated communications system we, as a global community of researchers, are going to have to start truly working together to find a way that we can make the internet safe for everyone. This means that all of the researchers from different countries and different …
GARDESO est le Groupe sur l’Analyse, la Recherche et le Développement en Source Ouverte. Pour recevoir les prochains bulletins ou partager des contenus envoyez un courriel à cybersurveillance@gmail.com ou cliquez ici. Lisez le bulletin et trouvez les archive des anciennes numéros ici / Read the bulletin and find the back issue archive here: https://us10.campaign-archive.com/?u=f9c8b2d635b1ae1b2acb3b0e0&id=0b9b6a5bac Ce …