Telecommunications fraud groups, the ones running scams over the telephone are a problem around the world. Taiwan is no exception with a number of related arrests in the past decade. Telecom fraud group. Yi-Chun Chang, Kuan-Ting Lai, Seng-Cho T. Chou and Ming-Syan Chen wanted to learn more about how these fraud groups operate through Social …
Presented at 2017 GoSec, 30 October 2017 Susan Munn has over 35 years of security and business risk management experience in law enforcement, government, and private sectors. She is CEO of her own firm, CompassQ Inc. and also recently named to the Advisory Board for PARM – Proactive Risk Management – an international …
Francesca Bosco – UNICRI, Presented at the 2016 Spring SERENE-RISC Workshop. Advances in the field of global technology have transformed the way in which societies function, affecting governments, businesses, and individuals alike, evoking a wide array of societal benefits, while also subjecting populations to varying degrees of cyber risk. Critical infrastructure serves as …
The sharing of intimate images by digital means is something that has created new issues for Canadians. This is reflected in the creation of laws for non-consensual intimate image sharing or ‘revenge porn’ laws. The issues get murkier when it comes to intimate images and youth as child pornography laws often also apply to the …
Presented at the SERENE-RISC Spring workshop 2016. As anybody who uses a PC has discovered, the “free” software industry is a mess. Customers have become very suspicious of every offer, and use a jaundiced eye to double-check each checkbox and click. Still they make mistakes and end up with unwanted software. This industry now makes …
The Berkman Klein Harmful speech Online project has created a collection of essays that both draw from research and provide opinions to discuss a range of perspectives on this issue of harmful speech online. It provides pieces looking at Framing the Problem, International Perspectives, and Approaches, Interventions, and Solutions. This collection could provide a valuable …
Never mind sophisticated and persistent threats, what about simple and opportunistic ones? Have we closed the door on attacks that require little investment on the part of attackers? In particular, are we still shipping software without the most basic of security policies ? B. Knieriem, X. Zhang, P. Levine, F. Breitinger & I. Baggili surveyed …
From the SERENE-RISC Workshop held in April 2016 in Vancouver, Canada. Social Media Analytics for Intelligence and Security Informatics Christopher Yang – Drexel University In this talk, we’ll discuss some of the social media and data analytics work we have done on the DIBBs data archive. The DIBBS data archive is a 3-year project funded …
The report “Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2016” by Kathryn Keighley at the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics is available from the station website. This report was released the 24th of July 2017. With regards to cybercrime the report includes the following In 2016, the number and rate of child pornography incidents continued …
There is a considerable amount of evidence on the control and censorship of social media in China. On top of this there has long been suspected that there is a system of astroturfing, or the posting of large numbers of comments from fake accounts to direct online conversation. In China people hired to make these …