Les individus possèdent de plus en plus de comptes en ligne pour effectuer diverses tâches dans leur vie quotidienne. Ces comptes en ligne demandent aux utilisateurs d’avoir recours à de plus en plus de mots de passe. En raison des difficultés de mémorisation de plusieurs mots de passe, les utilisateurs ont souvent des comportements risqués …
Month: August 2020
Individuals own more and more online accounts to perform various tasks in their daily life. As such, users have been increasing their usage of passwords to access those online accounts. Because of the difficulties in remembering multiple passwords, users often employ risky password behaviours such as password reuse, writing passwords down, choosing weak passwords, and …
We all have questions, but who are the people with the answers for Cybersecurity. In this series we sat down with academics and experts to ask them about how they got started, what they are researching now, their lessons for us and the future. In this third episode of our series, Deborah Hurley addresses crucial …
La cyber violence dans les relations amoureuses (CVRA) (Cyber Dating Violence (CDV)) est l’abus psychologique et / ou la commission d’acte de violence entre partenaires amoureux via l’utilisation de la technologie (téléphones mobiles, SMS, messagerie instantanée, sites de réseaux sociaux, e-mails, etc.). La CVRA comprend des comportements tels que les menaces, l’humiliation, la distribution non …
Cyber Dating Violence (CDV) is the psychological abuse and/or perpetration of violent act among dating partners via the use of technology (mobile phones, texting, instant messenger, social networking sites, email, etc.). CDV includes behaviours such as threats, humiliation, non-consensual distribution of personal information or images, sexual pressure, checking up on a partner’s whereabouts, monitoring a …
Les individus étant de plus en plus dépendants aux communications en ligne dans leur vie quotidienne, il est essentiel de comprendre les mécanismes qui sous-tendent le traitement de l’information en ligne, en particulier lorsque l’on souhaite persuader ses interlocuteurs. Le traitement de l’information en ligne est complexe pour plusieurs raisons. Tout d’abord, les méthodes de …
As individuals are increasingly reliant on online communication in everyday life, understanding the mechanisms underlying online information processing is essential, especially in the context of one’s trying to persuade its interlocutors. Online information processing is complex for several reasons. First, communication methods vary as they can be asynchronous (e.g. emails ) or synchronous (e.g. instant …
We all have questions, but who are the people with the answers for Cybersecurity. In this series we sat down with academics and experts to ask them about how they got started, what they are researching now, their lessons for us and the future. In this second episode of our series, we learn more about …
Les universités du monde entier augmentent continuellement leurs investissements dans l’utilisation de l’apprentissage assisté par la technologie (AAT) pour transformer l’enseignement conventionnel. De plus, le contexte actuel créé par la pandémie COVID-19 a incité les universités à changer la façon dont elles dispensent l’enseignement aux étudiants. L’apprentissage amélioré par la technologie fait référence à toute …
Universities worldwide are continually increasing investment in the use of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) to transform conventional education. Moreover, the current context created by the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted universities to change the way they provide instruction to students. Technology-enhanced learning refers to any form of learning that is facilitated by technology and comes in several …