Month: February 2018

Could Network View Inconsistency Affect Virtualized Network Security Functions?

Software Defined Networks (SDN) are becoming more commonly used in the cloud. This virtualizes network functions as software instances in the cloud. Mohamad Aslan amd Ashraf Matrawy at Carelton University look at how this characteristics of SDN could affect the performance of Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS) on SDN. Network controllers collect information from other controllers and …

Neural Networks for Securing Vehicles

Probing the limits of anomaly detectors for automobiles with a cyber attack framework Adrian Taylor (Defence R&D Canada), Sylvain Leblanc (Royal Military College of Canada), and Nathalie Japkowicz (American University, USA) Modern vehicles are increasingly governed and controlled by a network of computers.  Automobile security requires that these networks are secure.  Detecting malicious traffic on …