Nous avons tous des questions sur la cybersécurité, mais certaines personnes ont les réponses. SERENE-RISC propose une série d’entretiens avec des chercheurs qui apportent des réponses pour en savoir plus sur leurs travaux, sur eux-mêmes et sur l’avenir de la recherche en cybersécurité et cybercriminalité. Cette semaine, nous nous sommes entretenus avec Sarah Paquette qui …
Script theory is well known to criminologists. This approach of studying crime allows one to break down criminal acts into a series of steps and is useful when analyzing the processes, decisions and actions of offenders. Generally, these scripts are used to study offenses such as crime against property (e.g. theft), suicide bombings or carjacking. …
Tom Sorell from Warwick University Presentation from the CICC 2017-2018 Scientific Launch on the Subject of ‘Watchful Citizens:Policing from Below and Digital Vigilantism held the 2nd and 3rd November 2017 at the Université de Montreal. A comparison of vigilante activities directed at different criminal groups. What are the differences between “pedophile hunting” and “scam baiting”? …
The sharing of intimate images by digital means is something that has created new issues for Canadians. This is reflected in the creation of laws for non-consensual intimate image sharing or ‘revenge porn’ laws. The issues get murkier when it comes to intimate images and youth as child pornography laws often also apply to the …