
Why Statistic Canada’s data on cybersecurity and cybercrime matter?

Pour la version française, consultez cette page. In Canada and elsewhere, statistics are essential for the development of evidence-based and effective public policies. The use of consolidated statistics in the prevention and control of cybercrime is all the more important since the Canadian government has now a roadmap for Canada’s path forward on cyber security …

Intelligence Artificielle avec Serge-Olivier Paquette | Artificial Intelligence with Serge-Olivier Paquette

(English version will follow) Cette semaine, nous avons eu le plaisir de nous entretenir avec Serge-Olivier Paquette, chercheur en cybersécurité et intelligence artificielle chez Delve Labs, une startup montréalaise spécialisée dans le développement d’outils de sécurité autonome. Parlez-nous de vous. Chez Delve Labs, j’exerce un rôle hybride de scientifique de données, programmeur, statisticien et expert en cybersécurité. …

Étude de forums pour une collecte de renseignement proactive | Study Hackers Forum for Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence

(English version will follow) Les cyberattaques coûtent approximativement 445 milliards de dollars par an à l’économie mondiale. Les rapports de renseignements sur les cyber menaces (cyber threat intelligence (CTI) en anglais) sont conçus pour aider les organisations à se protéger contre les cyberattaques. Pour créer ces rapports, les compagnies s’appuient sur des données collectées à …

Une analyse de sécurité des moniteurs d’activité |A Security Analysis of Wearable Health Trackers

(English version below) Alors que l’horloge approchait de la nouvelle année, vous avez certainement, comme des millions de personnes, décidé de prendre de bonnes résolutions concernant votre condition physique. Pour vous aider à tenir vos résolutions, vous avez certainement décidé d’acheter un moniteur d’activité ou un bracelet intelligent. Ces bracelets d’activité sont des systèmes intégrés …

Exploring User Behavior and Cybersecurity Knowledge in Online Shopping | Comportements et connaissances des utilisateurs lors de magasinage en ligne

(French below) Every year more and more people are doing their Christmas shopping online. Online Christmas shopping can come as blessing, as you can beat the queues in stores and get it all delivered to your door without leaving your house. However there are risks associated with online shopping. Cybersecurity challenges are continually evolving and …

Human Factors in Information Security Culture

Nowadays, organizations collect, transmit, and use data to perform a variety of business-related functions. The proliferation of data makes organizations targets for cyber criminals. This threat has resulted in large investments in secure data storage, networks, and cyber-defense systems. In spite of these investments, cybercrime is still very prevalent with massive breaches being reported almost …

Cybersecurity in Hospitals

Hospitals have hundreds—even thousands—of workers using countless electronic devices that are vulnerable to security breaches, data thefts and ransomware attacks. Health care data breaches are a growing threat to the health care industry, causing data loss and monetary theft but also attack on medical devices and infrastructure. Hospital data security breaches in particular have the potential to …

Extending Cybersecurity Awareness through a Web-based laboratory

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is coming to an end in Canada. This is an opportunity to introduce another initiative to enhance outreach, research and education for cybersecurity. It is a well-known fact that there is a shortage of trained cybersecurity professional. Industries and governments are looking for ways to attract students into the field of cybersecurity …